Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday Finds!

I was on the phone with my parents the other day, and we got on the topic of something that we refer to as "Dress up Dad". Fun for my mom and I, not so much for my dad! My mom was trying to find stuff to pack for him for a trip that they are taking soon, and while she was making him try on pants they came across all of my dad's ties. He is now happily retired, and pretty much only wears ties to weddings and funerals, so they were discussing what to do with all of his old ties. I said that we could make scarves, belts, camera and guitar straps. But apparently I was thinking on too small of a scale compared to the work of glamarita! The very next day I stumbled across her store on Etsy. She takes men's ties and repurposes them into evening gowns, cocktail dresses,! I think one of these creations would be fantastic to wear to an art show or gallery opening. People might even confuse you for part of the show! Here's my favorite...

Click on the photo above to go directly to her listing for this dress!